Monday, February 21, 2011

This is a big step for me

So I thought long and hard about starting a blog... WHO on earth would want to read about my thoughts and adventures and yes, even heart-ache?  Then I thought... Well maybe it could be a great way to clear my own head each night. Share at least with myself my adventures of the day.  For sure some of my posts would be light and maybe funny.  Some might be really serious maybe even sad... So I hope you might not judge me for my honesty. You might not believe this, but...  I'm a thinker and I analyze everything. SO... Here goes!

1 comment:

cjj40 said...

I love you Janie !! I'm excited to hear (read) what's on your mind and follow the happenings of your amazing family - kind of sad how time changes who you hang out with weekly - I miss you all. Connie