Saturday, March 10, 2012

You might not believe this but...

I need to start this blog with a back story on my son Shaun.  When he was younger he attended TaylorView Jr High.  He was painfully small.  He has Cystic Fibrosis so his growth was severely delayed.  In 7th grade his stature was much smaller than his friends.  I learned the events that I'm about to tell you later in his life and I also have his permission to share his story.  So every day at school the same twin sisters would seek him out and bully him.  They called him UGLY they made fun of his SIZE and called him the TACO BELL DOG.  Each day he had to face the same group of kids in the cafeteria and the halls but these two girls were the ring leaders.  One day the Sisters had their guy friend dump Shaun head first into the cafeteria garbage can.  You can only imagine the humiliation of having your two best friends pull you out of the garbage then taking you to the bathroom to help you wash your hair of mustard and ketchup. Derek and Michael were good friends to Shaun and from what I understand one of them might have reported the incident that day. They even borrowed him an extra shirt or hoodie so he could get through the rest of the day.  He later told me that every day of school was HELL. He dreaded each day because the same offenders were always  ruthless and waiting.

This leads me to my story... Last week Shaun and I went on a lunch date.  We were excited to go out together and eat his favorite food at his favorite hot spot.  As we walked in the restaurant we were seated by a hostess. I noticed Shaun's face became pale.  He put on his friendly smile as he asked the hostess/waitress how she was doing.  She responded "Great."  As she left our table Shaun whispered to me.  "That's Her."..... "That's Who?" I asked.  He proceeded to tell me that was one of the Sisters who pretty much broke his spirit in Jr High.  So...You can only imagine the Mother Bear coming out in me.  Smoke might of been coming out of my nose and ears. I was ready to fold my arms and stomp out of there.  I was ticked.  I was sitting across from the son that I love very much the Son that I have watched fight Cystic Fibrosis even worse fight Depression to the point of being severely impaired.  I was sitting across the table from a kid who is a recovering drug addict, a kid who fights ever day Just to have the WILL TO LIVE... This kid was now a MAN.  I asked Shaun if he wanted to  leave and he looked at me with sweat on his brow and said "No its OK Mom I forgive her." The Lady came back and took our order.  She said he looked familiar and Shaun reintroduced himself and told her he had changed alot and was small in school. She then uncomfortably recognized him.  I witnessed my son carry on a conversation with this lady.  He took a sincere interest in how her life was going.  He found out she was married and had a family. Shaun seemed genuinely happy for her.  I slowly calmed down as I watched Shaun display to me the true LOVE of Christ. He was teaching me about FORGIVENESS.  It was weird because I was also watching my hand write down a tip on the lunch receipt.  A TIP?  Are you kidding me...

You might not believe this, But... As we went to leave
Shaun walked back to the lady and gave her a big hug.  It may of been a longer hug then she wanted or expected but I know it was a healing hug for him. As I approached the car I kept my head down so that I could hide my emotion. Shaun had taught me a huge lesson that day.  I just keep on learning.


The Madsen's said...

This made me cry. Love you Christensen family!

Jensen Family :) said...

Awe Janie you made my day and made me shed a few tears, I love Shawn like he's one of my own! That is pretty darn amazing! What a Great story! XOXO to you all!

Kylee Jan said...

WOW! I love my best friend Shaun! He never ceases to amaze me!

Jan Cox said...

All your children are special, Ali and Christina have taught me so much in the time I have known both of them, and I know from what you said, Shaun has a forgiving heart too, I do thank God for forgiveness and always another chance..I would do anything for my two friends..

Carolyn said...

Melva, this doesn't surprise me at all about Shaun Boy. He has always been the most Christlike person I've every known. He will always be an example to me. Love both of you.

Sevy said...

Beautiful, Janie... What a great lesson for all of us! I have yet to meet Shaun, but from all I have heard, he seems like an amazing guy. And you are absolutely right; This is truly an example of the LOVE of Christ. Thanks for sharing! I love your blogs, ... almost as much as I love pumpkin pie :P Love you all!

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

What a wonderful story, Janie. I would be like the Mother Bear too, and ready to take it to her. Thankfully, exceptional people like Shaun show their moms how it's done. A special son, indeed. Thanks for sharing.